buy Dalek To Victory Mug

Dalek To Victory Mug

Dalek To Victory Mug

If you like a mug that shows one of the Doctors enemies the Dalek then you are in luck.

This mug shows the poster that is shown in the Doctor Who episode “Victory of the Daleks”.

Of course Winston Churchill didn’t know that their Ironsides where Daleks not to help their war but to win their own. And in this Doctor Who episode you can see that they made war posters with the Ironsides and the words “To Victory”. And this poster is place on this porcelain mug.

So if you are a true Doctor Who fan that needs a cup of tea once in a while then what better place to put it in then in this Dalek mug.

And now could be a good time for a drink don’t wait come and order your Doctor Who Dalek To Victory Mug.